I have worked out how to add all of my regular reads into my links ..... And how to take out a line. I'll be able to launch satellites into space before the weekend!
My other very impressive achievement today is getting H to sleep this afternoon. Our little man who is 10 months old has just started having sleep issues. Prior to Christmas Eve he slept like an angel BUT then he worked out he could sit or even worse, stand up in the cot. So now "Mr Independence" hasn't got time to sleep. The world and all it has to offer is calling him and he will not lie down! At this very moment though, exhaustion has set in and he is asleep ... Which is very impressive as his Daddy is in the backyard building a fence and pergola just a few metres from his window.
I do love being a Mummy, but I also really love these precious moments of "me time". I sometimes wonder what I used to do with my time before I was a Mummy and even before I was a wife. If only I could chat to schoolgirls about not wasting time and enjoy every little moment, I'm sure I could make my mark on teenage pregnancy statistics. I'm fairly certain most women probably think the same thing. I just need to keep all of these changes that come with being a Mummy in perspective!!
P.S. By the way, I decided to call this blog "A sense of perspective" as my horoscope for the year said that my most important lesson for 2006 was to gain "a sense of perspective". Not bad advice for a dreamy Libran!!
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